Extraordinary & Rich Reading Experiences

terri’s book club
INAugurAL read

Supernatural: What the Bible Teaches About the Unseen World - and Why It Matters

by Dr. Michael S. Heiser

You may never read the Bible in the same way again

The Bible’s teaching on the world of the supernatural often occurs in difficult or troublesome passages that many Bible teachers ignore or skip over because their literal meaning doesn’t fit into our neat and tidy systems. To Dr. Heiser, the more puzzling a passage is, the more important it’s likely to be.

In Supernatural, Dr. Heiser shines a light on that supernatural world — not a new light, but rather the same light the original, ancient readers and writers of Scripture would have seen it in. Supernatural is a condensed version, written for the layperson, of the material found in Dr. Heiser’s academic work The Unseen Realm.


As we study and learn about all aspects of the supernatural, we will seek to understand them in the overall context of where the LORD is taking His people. In particular, His “remnant” in this current Church age and Dispensation of Grace.

Thus saith the LORD, I am taking you somewhere.

The is a current word the LORD keeps repeating to Terri. As such, our responsibility is to lean in closer, incline our ear, and study to show ourselves approved, unashamed workmen, who rightly divides His Word of truth.


It makes complete sense that a book club curated by Terri would be centered on the supernatural. The LORD first saved her through a supernatural experience (having not been raised in church and absent of even the simplest definition of salvation). Unaware and in utter darkness, Light shined and, in a split second, snatched her out of darkness. From that moment on, her being and life was radically transformed.

For nearly three decades of walking with the LORD, since day one, the LORD has and continues to reveal His truths regarding our natural man (self) and our spirit man.

As such, Terri is extremely sensitive to the voice Holy Spirit, His leading, and His domain. By His gift of grace, through faith, she exists, rules, and reigns in the supernatural realm.

With an unction from Him to “go deeper,” Terri’s Book Club was formed.



Together, we will explore the depths of the supernatural realm, and how to exist and operate in it to overcome life's challenges, great and small, in order to live an extraordinary life of love, service and unspeakable joy — no matter your current state, situation or circumstance.

Join us!

Our first discussion
oF chapters 1 and 2 will be on
7/19 12:00PM EST